New Installations

Customer = Person or Business looking to have a computer, server, network, device, or internet connection installed/setup.

The typical life span (and warranty) of a business computer is 3-5 years. Combined with ever changing technology and you business growth and needs, new installations are inevitable.

Do you need something new?

From component upgrades (like memory or a video card)
to a complete network system with a server, workstations and internet access,
A.T.E. Networks can advise, design and implement a solution for you.

Why choose A.T.E. Networks?

  • I don’t sell hardware or software so,
    the solution I provide for you is based on YOUR business need,
    not on my inventory.
  • Available on Moving Day. When you need to move your whole office network to a new or additional space, A.T.E. Networks can do it for you. This includes take-down, packaging, transport, set-up and testing.
    A.T.E. Networks Can Move Your Computer Network for You on Moving Day.

Request New Installations.