
Customer = Person or Business who is looking to ensure their computer(s), network, internet connection and devices are operating at an expected performance level

Sample Maintenance Plan:

  • Periodic inspection of computers to remove unsupported software.
  • Check Antivirus for signature updates and operation.
  • Check with employees for system issues.

Who needs computer maintenance? Everyone.

Lots of things need maintenance. For example; your car needs oil changes, brakes, tires, etc.; your house needs cleaning, painting, etc. Even you need maintenance, diet and exercise, rest, physicals, etc.

Computers need maintenance too!

Why do you need computer maintenance?

The simple answer is to ensure the computer is operating at its best potential. The fact is many people and businesses neglect their computers maintenance and IT in general) even though for many businesses work would not get done without a computer.

For many businesses, computers are still considered merely a tool with which employees use to do their work.  However in this technical age, even when Information Technology (computers, networking and even the internet) is not the heart of your business, it is essentially the central nervous system.

Regular computer maintenance is not a guarantee your computer will not encounter a problem or will last forever. Just as going to the doctor regularly won’t guarantee you will not get sick.

Can you do the maintenance?

In many instances, yes, maybe you can. But do you as a business owner really have the time or resources to take away from your business to do so? Probably not.

Just as many people can change the oil in their car or paint their own house, they choose to have someone else do it for them and keep their time for themselves. Your time is a valuable part of your business and the more you delegate to me what I do best, the more time you have to do what you do best — run your business.

Request Maintenance.